What is Psychotherapy

When most people hear the word therapy they think of different things that fall under the description of therapy. Some may think of physical therapy while others may think of speech therapy. So it would only make sense that a person would think of psychology when they hear the word psychotherapy. In a lot of ways that person would be right. However, the answer to “what is psychotherapy?” involves more than just psychology.

Who provides psychotherapy

A psychotherapist is the person responsible for providing psychotherapeutic services. This is a person that has gone to college and has become licensed and certified to provide this type of service. A psychotherapist is not a psychiatrist and therefore is not capable of writing a pharmaceutical prescription. They may suggest medications that a patient can discuss with their psychiatrist or medical practitioner.

What is the Difference between Psychotherapy and Psychiatry?

Psychiatry is practiced by a psychiatrist who is also a medical doctor. A psychiatrist tends to approach mental health and behavioral issues through a medicinal avenue. Many people in New York have found that the visit to a psychiatrist often involves questions about how well their medicine is working and if they need refills. Psychotherapy is quite different.

Psychotherapy is practiced by a psychotherapist. This person is not there to give the patient advice but is there to listen. A therapist NYC is a sounding board for the patient and many people find that this approach helps them to find out the answers they’ve been searching for on their own. In psychotherapy, the patient and the therapist NYC work to increase the patient’s independence in making sound decisions and to cope with the world around them.

Why Should a Person Choose Psychotherapy?

By understanding the answer to the question of “what is psychotherapy?”, a person can better answer why he should choose psychotherapy. It’s also important to remember, however, that psychotherapy is not right for everyone. A person should choose psychotherapy based on their needs. If the person is looking for someone to listen and guide them then psychotherapy may be the right choice for them. If they want someone to tell them what to do then they need to look at another form of therapy or mental health support.

What can the Patient Expect?

Psychotherapy is different for everyone and what a person receives is based on what they are willing to put in. If a patient is not willing to actively participate in the sessions then they are wasting the time of the therapist and more importantly they are wasting their time. The more a person invests into their well being by being an active participant then the faster they will begin to see the positive results of the therapy. Knowing what psychotherapy is can reinforce this belief in the patient furthering insuring the positive results of the therapy.

The time spent in psychotherapy also depends on the patient. There is no set start and end time for psychotherapy. It is an ongoing process that a person may decide to end when he chooses. Some people may participate in psychotherapy until they’ve solved the issue that initially brought them in for treatment. Others may decide to continue beyond solving their initial problem. This is usually because they’ve uncovered other issues that need to be addressed in order to make sure that their initial problem stays solved.

What it psychotherapy? It is a therapeutic approach that involves the therapist and patient working together increase the patient’s ability to solve their own problems in a healthy manner.