Sword Art Online episode 15 Review

It was pretty interesting and good, but by no means one of the best. Problem after problem keeps appearing before Kazuto. It’s only a matter of time before he goes nuts.

Asuna is still unconscious. My guess that she had survived Sword Art Online in time was wrong, unfortunately. She was still in the hospital. Kazuto visited her a lot, until he got to hear that she was to be married to some guy, Kazuto’s new enemy. He didn’t care much for her wellbeing. He just wanted to get his hands on her father’s company, probably. A bit too obvious, but I’ll just go with it.

Kazuto, known as the hero nowadays, tried very hard to resume his life. He spent some time with his family, worked on personal issues and even continued his school life (from what I understood). Frankly, the only thing we have to focus on is Asuna’s current situation and Kazuto’s quest to save her before that horrible man gets his hands on her. You can read on from this top 10 anime characters article for more reviews and series.