How to Think of New Invention Idea

Invention ideas are all around us. We just need to be able to see them and recognize them.

In this article we will look at some different ways that you can come up with new invention ideas, so that you can start your journey towards becoming a successful inventor.

What is an Invention?

An invention is a new device or machine that is useful in some way and which is not yet available on the market. Many inventions are simply improvements on existing technology or concepts, but there are also many completely original ideas which were created by someone who had never seen anything like it before, as you can read from this source.

Some examples of inventions include the light bulb, computers and even the wheel. Usually when people think about inventions, they imagine new devices or machines that are very complex in nature, but this is not always the case. For example, an idea for a new type of chair could also be considered an invention if it is something that does not currently exist on the market.

Famous Inventors

In many cases, the inventor of an invention is also the person who created the first version of it. For example, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and later improved upon it with a more powerful version that could last longer.

Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current system that makes possible the use of electricity in every home and business throughout the world today.

Sometimes, however, the person who creates the first version of an invention is not the inventor. For example, Charles Goodyear invented a process by which rubber could be made into a durable material that would not melt in hot temperatures. However, a businessman named Thomas Hancock was the first person to use this invention commercially. He created the world’s first rubber tires for vehicles and sold them to several companies that made horse-drawn carriages. Read more about famous inventors – click here.

Inventions are typically created by an individual or a team of people. They can be the result of years of research, trial and error, and many failed attempts at creating something new. An invention may also be the result of an accident that occurs during the course of normal experimentation with existing technology.


Inventions can be a great way to make money and help people. At times, they are needed to improve on a current technology or create something that has never been seen before.