How Call Tracking Works

Choose your phone numbers

Call Tracking tracks phone calls from your website and marketing campaigns by assigning unique phone numbers to each advert.This means you can now track how many phone calls are being generated from your website or marketing activity, ensuring you get the best Return on Investment (ROI) on your marketing spend.

Each time a call is placed to one of your phone numbers you will instantly and automatically get that information to your Google Analytic account where you can easily see which search term or keyword is generating the most enquiries. Once your account with the Call tracking company, such as Call Gear and you can learn more about them from here, is active, you have full control of what phone number to display for each advert or marketing activity.

Enter your website address

Entering your website address lets you report directly into your Google Analytics account. Within your account you can run reports on traffic sources between specific date ranges. Enter the required parameters.

Campaign Source

This is a required field to identify the source of your callers e.g. Google, Yellow Page, Facebook.

Campaign Medium

The medium is a required field which indicates a medium that distinguishes where the phone callers are coming from. e.g. Email, Phone, PPC.

Campaign Term

The campaign term is mainly used when tracking website callers through paid search and notes the key word used for the ad.

Campaign Content

Campaign Content is used for A/B testing and content targeting adverts. You use this to differentiate ads or links that point to the same website Url.

Campaign Name

Your chosen campaign name will identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.

Measure results with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you a rich insight into what campaigns, keywords and adverts are really working for you.