Help for Your Family During This Stressful Time

The end of a marriage is a difficult and confusing time for most families. There are many important decisions that have to be made regarding finances and division of property. If you have children, you must also determine child support for and custody of your children. The decisions you make during this time will affect you and your family for years to come.

Instead of leaving these decisions up to a Judge, many couples today choose to make these decisions with the help of a Mediator. A Mediator is neutral third party who works with you and your spouse to help both of you come to an agreement. All mediation sessions occur outside of court. Unlike traditional divorce through the adversarial court system, no lawyers or Judges are involved in the mediation process. You are in control.

Imagine being able to talk directly to each other about your wishes and concerns, while having a professional family mediator in the room guiding your discussion, in hopes of coming to a meaningful resolution? The Family Mediation and Resource Center gives you this opportunity. A family mediator works with both spouses with an end goal of coming to a civil settlement.

What makes Miams Family Mediation Service unique?

Miams Family Mediation Mediators have undergone a minimum of 40 hours of mediation training, approved by the national Association of Conflict Resolution (ACR), their Mediators are also licensed Family Law attorneys, with over 10 years of legal experience. This experience in Family Law is critical to a successful mediation, especially in matters involving dissolution of a marriage and child custody. You and your spouse will have someone with real experience in Family Law to help guide you through this stressful time.

Mediation is completely voluntary and confidential. Mediation is a great alternative for most families, including families with children, families going PRO SE (representing themselves), couples that live in separate states (or even countries), couples that have a hard time communicating, couples who want to keep their personal lives private and avoid the courtroom, and families who want an opportunity to minimize attorney fees.