What Should You Look For When Eco-diapers Shopping?

Diapers are a necessity for every parent, but they’re also one of the biggest contributors to our landfills. The average baby goes through about 4,000 diapers during the first two years of life.

That’s a lot of waste!

The good news is that there are lots of eco-friendly options available. From hemp to bamboo, there are many natural materials that can help reduce your impact on the environment while keeping your little one dry and comfy.

Here are some tips for buying eco-friendly diapers:

Look for organic cotton or bamboo. Both materials are naturally absorbent and biodegradable, so they’re better for the environment than synthetic fibers like polypropylene plastic or polyethylene resin (PE). Also look for labels that say “organic cotton” or “certified organic cotton.” Many brands, like Dyper, will also include other eco-friendly features like chlorine-free bleaching and non-toxic dyes or fragrances as you can read from this Dyper Review.

Choose cloth diapering over disposable if you have the time and patience to wash them yourself or find a diaper service that uses cloth diapers instead of disposables (they exist!). Cloth diapers may be more expensive upfront, but they provide less waste overall since they last longer than disposable diapers. They’re also more eco-friendly since you won’t be throwing away tons of plastic and paper every week!

What To Look For When Shopping For Diapers?

There are many factors that you should consider when shopping for diapers. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Natural vs. Synthetic Materials: Natural materials include cotton, wool, hemp and bamboo; synthetic materials include polyester and nylon. Natural materials are more eco-friendly but may not be as absorbent as synthetic fibers.
  • Waterproofing: Waterproof diapers are ideal for overnight use and protect against leaks.
  • Liner: Some diapers come with a liner to help prevent leaks or make your baby’s bottom feel softer.
  • Material Thickness: Thicker materials provide better protection against leaks and rashes, but they can also be more expensive.
  • Fit: The design of diaper is important because it should fit properly. You should be able to adjust the waistband or tabs so they don’t sag on your baby’s legs or around their waist.
  • Ease of Use: The diaper should be easy to put on and take off.
  • Cost: You’ll want to consider the cost of your diapers as well. You can expect to pay about $0.10-$0.25 per diaper for cloth ones, while disposables can range from $0.21-$0.50 per diaper depending on brand and size.


As you can see, there are many different types of diapers available today. While cloth and disposable diapers each have their pros and cons, it’s up to parents to decide which type is best for them.