Cataract removal and cataract operation

The cataract operation is usually performed under local anesthesia and in an ambulatory. It is safe, quick and almost painless. The opacification lens can be removed through a small incision made at the external edge of the cornea with the help of a ultrasound needle, called the facoemulsificator, using a technique that reduces the measures of the incision making unnecessary the shots.

Next step is often the implantation of the artificial crystalline, from transparent plastic. In cases in which the removal of the lens is not followed by the implantation of the artificial crystalline, are required corrective glasses or contact lenses, strong and thick.

Cataract operation in the United States

Cataract operation is one of the most successful surgery. Every year in the United States are performed over 500,000 cataract operations, about 95% of the patients signaling the improving of visiona after cataract removal. Cataract, is a condition characterized by the clouding of a part of the eye called the lens. Crystalline is a natural biconvex lens with a role in focusing and designing images on retina. With the aging the lens, ages and opacificates such that most people with the age over 60 years presents an opacification degree of the lens. Natural evolution of cataract is to worsening until the total loss of vision. There is no treatment that can prevent or stop the development of cataract.

The most effective treatment for this disease is the cataract operation. The operation consists in the removal of the opacification lens and its replacement with an artificial lens. The most advanced method of cataract operation allows the removal of a cataract lens through a very small incision. This method is called phacoemulsification. Artificial crystalline lens remains in the eye throughout life and help to improve vision in 95% of the cases.

The most effective treatment is cataract removal and consists in removing the opacificate lens through a small incision (2.2 to 3.2 mm) and replacing it with a foldable artificial lens, a procedure called phacoemulsification. On the initial medical ophthalmology the doctor will make an assessment of the eye and biometry to determine the type of crystalline. The decision for cataract surgery and for the type of used lens will be made by your eye doctor together with the patient as you can read fromĀ What is refractive eye surgery article.

Preparation before the cataract operation

Once you decided together with your doctor that you need to remove your cataract, you will be examined by an eye surgeon. First you should assure yourself by asking your doctor if you must continue your medications and natural supplements. 12 hours before the cataract operation you are forbidden to eat or to drink anything.

You will be given a choice of implantation. You have to choose between an implantation with a regular single vision (monofocal) or a presbyopia correcting intraocular lens.
Before the cataract operation, your eyes will be measured in a preparatory eye exam to determine the corresponding power of the intraocular lenses that will be placed in the eye.
If you want cataract operation at both eyes, the cataract removal will be on only one eye at a time. A cataract removal lasts only 15 minutes. 15 minutes in case it’s not complicated. Between operations will be needed at least a few days, so as your first eye to heal.

After the cataract operation you will usually need to wear an eye covering or glasses during the day and keep the eye covered during the night.