Air conditioning and the environment

Air conditioning equipment used in homes and offices can lead to significant problems with the environment if it is not maintained properly. CFC gases used in air-conditioning as well as Halon that is commonly used in the air conditioning industry is causing a hole in the ozone layer. There are a lot of governmental regulations in place today all over the world that govern the repair/maintenance/installation of air conditioning units for both homes and offices.

Although it may not be possible for you to be aware of each and every law and regulation. It makes sense for you to ask a simple pointed question to the HVAC San Diego repair company or maintenance company. “Are you following all environmental regulations?” They should happily assure you that they are in full compliance if they cannot or if you sense any dilly-dallying you would most probably be better off looking elsewhere.

As a customer you do have your responsibilities towards the furry creatures on the planet and our future generations. So you should make sure that the businesses you deal with are clean and green. So make sure that your air conditioner is well serviced and maintained so that you do not emit any harmful gases out of your home and business as well as save on power that is made by the burning of hydrocarbons that pollute the environment. The more power you save the more you help the environment.