Why Invest In Gold To Protect Your Retirement?

There is unprecedented market volatility and uncertainty at the moment. The US National Debt is now around a gigantic $17 trillion and has spiraled out of control. If ever you needed proof of this take at look now at how it is increasing in REAL TIME…

To fully comprehend how shocking and damaging this is try and get your head round the fact that the US National Debt is increasing at over $3,600,000,000 per day or approx. $42,000 per second!

It’s not surprising that the value of the dollar is sliding. What’s more, the financial crisis in Europe is not getting any better and the future of the Euro is still uncertain.

While all this is going on the value of gold continues to trend upwards. It has more than tripled in the past decade. The price of gold has increased for each of the past 12 years. Why? Because gold has historically always had a negative correlation with stocks and the value of the dollar. When they fall, the price and value of gold goes up. When there is economic uncertainty the price of gold goes up. Throughout history people have always run to gold when times get tough. And gold has never let them down.

History is repeating itself right now. Governments are ploughing into gold, notably China and India in particular. The super wealthy are doing the same. And the great news for everyday folk is that nowadays this opportunity is within everyone’s grasp. No longer is investing in gold a luxury confined to the rich and famous. It is easier than ever to buy physical gold and to include physical gold in your retirement plan.

How Do You Get Started With a Gold IRA?

Your retirement is important so it’s imperative that you get this right. You need to make sure your dealer is buying the coins for you in your IRA. You can not buy these coins yourself because there is a specific procedure that has to be followed.

This is why it is essential that you work with a dealer who is a specialist in both precious metals and the regulations governing precious metals retirement plans.

If you do not already have a custodian then any of the larger and more reputable dealers will be able to recommend both general and specific Gold IRA custodians to you. The custodian for your gold IRA has to be approved by the IRS.

One of the best dealers for gold and precious metals dealings and IRA is Regal Assets. They are a California based Company with an excellent reputation, as you can see from Regal Assets review, who specialize in precious metals for the individual investor.

Regal Assets is featured in most Gold IRA reviews and they were the only precious metals dealer to warrant a mention recently in the Forbes Investment Guide.