Secured Personal Loans

The types of personal loans that involve the pledging of an asset that will serve as the loan collateral are called secured personal loans. The asset that can be pledge as a collateral can be a house, a car, a property, a boat, or a stock. The collateral pledged by the debtor will secure the personal loan. When the debtor fails to follow the terms and conditions of the secured personal loans by not completely repaying his debt before the loan term expires, he loses the ownership of the collateral to the lender.

Great Features of Secured Personal Loans

Because of the security given by the collateral, the interest rates in Singapore for secured personal loans are generally lower than those of unsecured personal loans. The lender has more confidence in releasing money via a secured personal loan than in an unsecured personal loan. No matter what happens, the lender will still get repaid via a monetary repayment or via a loan default.

Another advantage of pledging a collateral is that the debtor has a higher chance of being approved of a higher loan amount. The loan amount depends on the monetary value of the pledged collateral. Pledging a collateral with a greater monetary value will allow the debtor to ask for a higher loan amount.

Risks Involved in Secured Personal Loans

The risks involved in secured personal loans are quite subjective. For the debtor, secured personal loans involve greater risks since there is a possibility that he will lose his property to the lender. For the lender, however, secured personal loans are less risky because they will still be repaid even if the debtor defaults.

Crawfort is one of the leading Singapore lending companies with great interest rates and high approval rate. You can visit their website to learn how their loans work, what types of loans do they offer, read the testimonials and finally apply for a loan that suits you most.