Working With a Moneylender

The basic idea behind this process is rather simple. You fill out a loan application and the lender evaluates it. With this process, the lender probably will not be concerned with your past credit history. Instead, the lender will require you to make a certain amount of money per month in order to qualify for the loan.

In order to get this type of loan in Singapore, you will not have to put up any collateral like you would with a regular bank. With this type of loan, you are essentially borrowing against the money that you are going to make in the future. When you get paid again, you’ll have to pay back the lender.


The big advantage of using this type of loan is that you don’t have to have perfect credit or put up any collateral. With a regular loan from a bank, your credit history would be closely evaluated and you would probably need to put up some kind of collateral. This means that if you could not repay the loan, the lender would simply repossess the collateral that you put up.


Although this loan can be very beneficial, you need to be aware of the risks that you’re taking on. Most of these loans come with pretty big interest rates. If you cannot repay the loan on time, the lender will probably add on a late fee or an extension fee while you pay it off. Because of this, you should only use this type of loan if you can afford to pay it back within the time that is allotted to do so.


Once you secure a loan from a licensed Moneylender Singapore, you can use the money in any way that you need. This can help you get the money you need for car repairs, medical bills, groceries or any other need that you may have.